昌吉花都百威电子有限公司 企业认证 实名认证
扬声器公司所属城市: 0-100人

BWAudio launched into Chinese market in 1989. For 20 years, We have constantly strived and developed into a modern audio industrial city which occupying an area of over 50mu and possesses professional elites in the industry with rich experience and profound foundation in terms of technical research, manufacturing technique, production management, acoustic structure and after service. The company is one of a few of big audio corporations who are capable of providing Professional Audio、Car Audio、HomeTheater Audio and OEM one package service. BWAudio production base is equipped world advanced production equipments, and the company implements quality control, centralized certification and international purchasing according to computer quality control system and ISO9002 quality system.In BWAudio Co.,Ltd , every employee is the star of the company, and is the elite in the industry, which forms the enormous production brainpowder of BWAudio. The production base is equipped with several Hi-Tech machines, computerized automatic woodwork machines, several world leading product lines, and has been authorized diversified national certifications such as 3C, which has powerfully assured high quality and high performance and price ratio, therefore, every BWAudio product is exquisite, and our Loudspeakers has also become the partner of international big brands in the market. 我公司于1989年开始进军中国音响 场,二十多年来我们不断奋发图强,壮大成长,今天的我们拥有占地50多亩的现代化音响工业城,拥有来自世界各地的音响业界精英,在技术研发、制造工艺、生产管理、声学结构、售后服务有着丰富深厚的经验和基础。是国内为数不多的专业音响生产厂家,并应客户要求,从喇叭配件到箱体设计,开发生产、OEM一条龙服务的大规模音响企业。  我们的生产基地装配了来自世界先进的生产设备,遵循严密的电脑质量监控体系和ISO9002生产质量体系进行品质管理、集中认证和国际采购。  公司每一位员工都是企业的明星,都是来自音响业界的精英,从而构成公司庞大的生产智囊团。  生产基地拥有多条生产线和多组检测设备,MLISA,LMS,DAAS,先后获得了3C认证等各种国家认证,确保了产品的高品质及高性价比,使我们的件件皆精品,更是 场上众多国际大品牌的合作伙伴。



电商客服(五险+节日福利+十三薪) [昌吉]

全职/兼职/4000-6000/研究生 发布时间:2023-08-11
服装店内营业员(月均3500+) [昌吉]

兼职/3000-8000/大专 发布时间:2023-08-11
采购助理 [昌吉]

兼职/4000-6000/硕士 发布时间:2023-08-10
装卸工(五险一金) [昌吉]

兼职/3500-6000/大学 发布时间:2023-08-10
大量招聘房产主播 [昌吉]

全职/兼职/5000-8000/EMBA 发布时间:2023-08-10
五险 双休 话补 房补 住房公积金 带薪年假 年终奖 免费培训 晋升空间